DOG owners in Bradford have been warned over giving their pets chocolate during the Easter period.

New data released ahead of Easter by The Kennel Club, the UK’s largest organisation dedicated to dog welfare, shows cases of chocolate poisoning in dogs accelerate in April.

The data, collated and analysed by Agria Pet Insurance, The Kennel Club’s insurance partner, reveals that April, on average, sees a 54 per cent increase in dogs being poisoned by chocolate compared to other times of the year, making it the second highest month for claims after the Christmas period.

These concerning figures have led The Kennel Club to warn owners of Easter risks, and issue advice on keeping dogs safe this spring, including avoiding ticks and livestock.

Owners can help by keeping track of any chocolates brought into the house and keeping them safely out of reach, up high and behind the closed doors of cupboards. For those keeping up traditions of a festive chocolate egg hunt, it is important that your dog is kept away during this activity.

Also keep an eye on other traditional treats, like hot cross buns and Simnel cake, which commonly contain grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas, all of which are highly toxic to dogs.