CRYPTOCURRENCY including Bitcoin has been seized by West Yorkshire Police in the past two years.

The details were revealed through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to West Yorkshire Police.

Nothing was seized between 2017 and 2019, but Bitcoin was seized in 2020 and in 2021, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Kusama were seized.

The FOI reveals no amounts of cryptocurrency have been returned and in response to being asked what happens to it if it is not returned, West Yorkshire Police said: "Section 84 of the Proceeds of Crime Act (2002) gives a definition as to what is classed as property under the act, which includes 'things in action and other intangible or incorporeal property".

"Cryptocurrencies therefore fall into this definition, giving the powers under the Act to treat cryptocurrency as property."

The force added that powers within the act enable cryptocurrency to be seized and said: "Restrained assets are held until any potential conviction and subsequent confiscation order made, which is done post-conviction.

"Should a criminal case not be successful, assets may be returned to the owner. In addition, the defendant may wish to raise funds for the confiscation order via other assets at their disposal, in which case the cryptocurrency can also be returned."