POLICE are concerned for the welfare of a woman following a suspicious incident where she appeared to be forced into a car against her own will in Batley.

Officers attended Carlinghow Lane after a report of the incident taking place between 10.20pm and 10.30pm on Tuesday and have been conducting a number of enquiries in the local area since.

The car involved was reported to potentially be a Volkswagen and was seen to drive off in the direction of White Lee Road.

Kirklees District CID would like to speak to anyone who has information, CCTV or dashcam footage of the incident.

Detective Inspector James Bellhouse of Kirklees CID, said: “We are conducting a number of enquiries into this report to build a better picture of what took place and would like to speak to anyone who can assist us.

“My focus very much is for the welfare of the woman involved and I would ask that she or anyone who can provide more details contact us as a priority.

“Carlinghow Road is a busy area and it is likely drivers would have been going past at the time this incident took place and possibly captured dashcam footage.

“Anyone who has footage or can assist our enquiries is asked to contact Kirklees District CID on 101 referencing police number 13220126798.

“Information can also be given online referencing that number at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101livechat  or anonymously to the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.”