A POPULAR event will no longer run as it is "no longer a viable proposition".

The long-running Clayton Dickensian Market was held annually near Christmas and the committee said the decision to bring it to an end had not been taken lightly.

A statement said: "Over the past few years the committee continuously stressed the need for more volunteers to help with the running and administration of the market.

"Unfortunately, this was not forthcoming and put extra load on all the committee, many of whom had put in many years voluntary work over the life of the market.

"All these volunteers had no business or financial interest in the market but did it solely for the benefit of the community."

The committee thanked volunteers and supporters.

They are now inviting applications to give the contingency fund of just over £2,000 back to the community.

Organisations within the Clayton boundary can apply for a grant of up to £500.

Applications must be made in writing to: The Secretary Clayton Dickensian Market, c/o Clayton Village Hall, Reva Syke Road, Clayton, Bradford, BD14 6QN and must be received by March 31.

Successful applicants will be notified by post by the end of April.