AFTER suffering from poor mental health since the age of 4 and attempting suicide 2 years ago, a Bradford man has turned his life around and is now undertaking an extreme challenge to raise money for charity.

Kieron O’Brien, 31 claims to have been diagnosed with every type of mental health disorder since his first diagnosis at the age of 4. Having battled with his mental health for most of his life and finding himself at ‘rock bottom’ he has now found himself on the other side.

Kieron said: “I’ve been through it all, I’ve had panic attacks that have caused me to pass out, I lost my family and the chance to see my two girls.

“I lost three years of my life on medication that left me feeling like a zombie and knocked me out for weeks. I suffered from severe depersonalization and it was just a terrible life to live.

“It was life-destroying, and I didn’t think I could go on, I tried committing suicide but instead I made a promise to myself.

“I told myself that I was going to turn it around, I was going to make a change and really push myself to do better.

“Since then, life has really changed, I’ve got my daughters back after a court case and I get to see them all weekend, every weekend and I’ve got my own building company.

“I’m engaged to my beautiful partner, and I’ve come really far in comparison to where I was, originally.”

Kieron, who has put a huge emphasis on his fitness will be doing 120 laps of Scammonden steps in Halifax in just 24 hours to raise money for the charity, Mental Health Foundation.

The charity works with people of all ages and backgrounds, who are suffering from a range of issues.

His plan of action is to complete 60 laps, with a 45-minute break and then do the other 60. He will be running throughout the night.

Kieron said: “This will be a very tough challenge and I don’t think anyone has ever done this before.

“I train a lot around here so I thought it would be a nice place to do it.

“On the day I’ll have my family around me to support me, and I’ve asked a couple of nurses to be around just in case anything happens.

“I just want people to know that no matter how bad it gets, there is a way out and suicide isn’t the answer.

Donations can be made here.