FIGURES have revealed the number of sheep which have been chased, attacked and killed by dogs in West Yorkshire

The data shows 22 sheep were worried or chased; 24 were attacked or injured and four were killed in 2021. 

The RSPCA says: “If your dog worries livestock you may end up being sued for compensation and, in some circumstances, farmers are legally entitled to shoot dogs if they are endangering their sheep.

“As a last resort, a farmer is legally allowed to shoot a dog who is threatening their animals.

“It can be all too easy to become complacent when walking your dogs, after all it’s something we do every day. 

“But remember, the resulting loss of life if your dog escapes your control - even for a moment - can be devastating.”

The charity urges: “Be aware of the effects of sheep-worrying; make sure you know where your dog is at all times; if you’re letting your dog off the lead be confident there are no livestock nearby; be sure that your dog will return to you promptly on command and if in doubt, keep them on the lead.”

The data was released by West Yorkshire Police through an FOI request.