A GOVERNMENT inspector has agreed with local planning officers that a huge city centre advertisement "causes harm" to a Conservation Area.

Last May Bradford Council refused to grant temporary advertising consent for a six by six metre sign on the side of the Sun Hotel on Sunbridge Road - which lies within the Goitside Conservation Area.

They said the sign, advertising Kings Solicitors and which had then already been in place almost a year, was an "incongruous and discordant feature that does not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Goitside Conservation Area."

The company appealed this refusal, meaning any final say would be made by a Government appointed inspector.

National group Civic Voice highlights Bradford's Goitside area as 'at risk' conservation area

The appeal argued that the sign did not harm the appearance of the protected area of the city centre, adding: "It is considered that the poor economic climate over recent decades has led to the neglect and demolition of many buildings in the area surrounding the Appeal site, and so this has resulted in a negative contribution to the character of the Conservation Area."

But after visiting the site, inspector John Dowsett agreed with the Council, and dismissed the appeal.

He said: "I would disagree with the assertion (by the applicants) that the proposed banner would improve the appearance of this elevation.

"The size and positioning of the proposed banner advert would have a detrimental effect on the appearance of this key unlisted building.

"I did not observe any other advertisements of a similar scale to the appeal proposal either within the Goitside Conservation Area or in the adjoining streets."

Referring to a car park next to the pub - surrounded by metal fencing, he said: "Whilst I would agree that the car park has a negative effect on the conservation area, I do not consider that this, or its associated advertising provides justification for a further advertisement that would exacerbate this already negative effect.

"I find that the proposed banner advertisement would be harmful to visual amenity and, consequently, would not preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area."