Members of Bradford's Bosnian community will help launch a new educational tool on Tuesday.

Last year a series of six short films were created speaking to people who were displaced by the Balkans conflict and have now settled in Bradford and surrounding areas. The films explored what it was like for the people who found themselves making a new life in the UK after fleeing genocide.

The films were made as part of the 25th Anniversary of Remembering Srebrenica and were first shown during last year’s annual event in Bradford where Civic leaders, faith representatives, community groups and schools from across West Yorkshire came together to mark the anniversary and to make a pledge to renew our efforts to tackle hatred and prejudice.

The films were developed to be educational tools and will be launched at an event on March 1 from 5.30pm at the National Science and Media Museum, Bradford. The free event will also host a range of speakers from the Bosnian Community, senior councillors from the Bradford district and Simon Couth from University of Bradford.

Councillor Sabiya Khan said: “I would encourage everyone to come along, listen to the guest speakers and watch this series of short films. They are incredibly insightful and highlight what people go through when fleeing their home to find sanctuary in Bradford. They will be powerful tools for use in schools and communities.”

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