PLANS to build homes on an area of land just off Wakefield Road have been approved by Bradford Council - despite objections from residents living just yards from the proposed scheme.

An application for eight houses to be built on land off Munster Street went before the Council's Bradford Area Planning Panel on Wednesday, where members narrowly voted to approve the scheme.

In the past decade Bradford Council has refused three applications to build on the site. Another application, to build nine homes on the land, was withdrawn in 2020.

The latest plans, by C Bailey, had attracted 21 objections.

During the meeting objectors claimed the Planning department had been biased in favour of the developer, and ignored the potential impact of the scheme on those living on Munster Street and Harcourt Street.

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They said it would reduce the amount of parking spaces for existing residents, and questioned the suitability of building on land that was once used for mining.

Planning officer Jacob Muff said the site was allocated for future mixed use development, and housing would be acceptable.

Although some objectors said the site was an important green space, he said it was an "unused area of private land" and that building on the site would create a new neighbourhood.

There would be six on street parking spaces retained on Harcourt Street, and two visitor parking spaces on the new development that could be used by current residents.

Each new house would have two parking spaces.

He said the Coal Authority had suggested conditions for the application in response to the land's mining past.

Some members of the panel raised concerns about traffic to the new homes, but the application was approved, with four members voting in favour and three against.