COUNCILLORS will decide whether housing can be built on an area of land off Wakefield Road at a meeting next week.

Over the past decade there have been numerous proposals to develop a plot next to Munster Street.

The most recent application, for nine houses, was withdrawn in 2020, and other applications have been refused by Bradford Council.

The latest application, by C Bailey, was submitted last year and called for eight houses to be built on the site.

Next Thursday members of Bradford Council's Bradford Area Planning Panel will decide on whether the development can go ahead.

A report to the panel says 21 people have written to the authority to object to the plans.

Objections range from concerns that there is not enough parking for the new homes, that it will cause privacy issues and that a bat report included in the application is out of date.

One objector said the development would "cause friction between neighbours."

In response, planning officers have said: "It is acknowledged that the development will clearly be less desirable for neighbours than the current arrangement, however the situation proposed is considered to present an acceptable impact on neighbouring properties and does not raise any significant or adverse issues that would warrant a refusal."

One tree on the site would be lost if the development goes ahead, but officers say it is a "low quality" tree.

Members will be recommended to approve the plans.