AN appeal against Bradford Council's decision to refuse planning permission for a digital advertisement board has been dismissed. 

The application, for 254 Huddersfield Road, Low Moor, was refused in October last year and appeal was then lodged by Wildstone Estates Limited.

The planning inspector said while the size and siting of the advertisement would be similar to the existing "the nature of its illumination and changing imagery would be more conspicuous and overtly more modern in appearance than the existing hoarding". 

The determination added: "In combination with its size, this would significantly detract from the traditional character and appearance of the host building.

"Furthermore, given its prominent location and the considerable distance over which it would be seen, I consider that the change in the nature of the advertisement would be a visually intrusive addition to this street scene, where despite the largely commercial character of the surroundings, there is an appreciable absence of large high-level illuminated advertisements."

The planning inspector added: "The proposed advertisement would lead to significant harm to the appearance of the host building and the street scene. 

"For these reasons, I conclude that the proposal would have an unacceptably harmful effect on the visual amenity of the locality."