A CLECKHEATON teen has overcome a health issue which left her wheelchair-bound to make it through to the finals of Miss Teen Great Britain 2022.

Holly Whaling, 16, of Cleckheaton, has been selected out of 82 girls in her age category 16-19 to compete in the final, with the winner being announced in October.

"She is over the moon," said her mother Emma. "She is really excited."

"It's a really big achievement for me," said Holly. "Making the finals was a big surprise. I was really shocked but I'm very excited to take part."

Holly's success comes on the back of finishing in third place at Top Teen Model Girl UK in October 2021.

Emma said: "She walked down the catwalk flawlessly which was very emotional to watch after everything she's been through.

"It's been a long way for her to get here but she's got a really strong mindset and that's how she keeps motivated."

Holly suffers from hypermobility, which required surgery and she had to spend six months in a wheelchair.

"I'm a lot better but it's been really important for me to have a positive mindset," said Holly. "It gives you a better outlook on everything."