SIR - The T&A article on January 21 reported an Ofsted rating of 'Good' for Appleton Academy in Wyke, the first such in their history. Onwards and upwards, I hope.

It is also true of various other learning institutions. There was also recently a school and nursery in Ilkley being rated 'Excellent' across all areas. Likewise for Bradford College rated 'Good' by Ofsted.

As my next door neighbour is a teacher I can attest to the dedication to teaching she has shown; returning to the classroom after lockdown and getting on with the job, as have many in her profession.

The pressure on headteachers, staff and pupils has been enormous.

Yet they have had to endure restrictions and lockdowns, many new ways of working, multi-tasking became the norm. Parents played their part with home schooling too.

Through it all, they have shown resilience and tenacity. They have put pupils learning foremost.

So nice to see a positive for once, they can rightly feel 'Absolutely Delighted.

A huge well done to all schools and their staff.

Richard Milczanowski, Hollybank Grove, Great Horton