CUSTOMERS of a proposed new cafe in Bradford city centre would be "exposed to high levels of traffic pollution" - planning officers have claimed.

Bradford Council has this month refused a planning application to create a cafe and take away on Brayshaw Yard - off Lumb Lane and near it's junction with Westgate.

The plans would have seen a small building set up in the car park of the site, and included outdoor seating for customers.

Officers at the Council raised concerns about this outdoor seating, saying: "Due to its proximity to a major road junction, members of the public using the seating area are likely to be exposed to high levels of traffic pollution."

Plan for shipping container cafe that would 'provide a poor impression of Bradford' is refused

There were also concerns about the building's appearance - officers said it would be "strident and incongruous in the context of the local environment."

They added: "The grey steel cladding facing materials are considered unsympathetic and results in a shipping container style appearance. This does not form the basis for good design or high quality architecture. The proposed café unit in this location presents a visually obtrusive addition that does not create a strong sense of place and fails to maintain the character and appearance of the street scene setting to the detriment of visual amenity."