A BRADFORD MP claims the Prime Minister is ‘taking the public for fools’ as the row over lockdown parties at Downing Street continues.

Fresh allegations of rule-breaking in Downing Street have emerged as it was reported Boris Johnson is looking to reboot his leadership after a bruising week.

The Prime Minister's administration was forced to apologise on Friday to Buckingham Palace after it emerged two staff parties were reportedly held on the eve of the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral.

Sue Gray, the senior civil servant investigating the litany of claims about lockdown-busting parties in Government, is said to have been "completely blindsided" by the latest revelations, The Times reported.

The newspaper said the official is concerned that Downing Street staff are withholding information about parties from her after it was claimed on Friday staff gathered after work for two events on April 16 2021, which started separately and later merged.


Witnesses said alcohol was drunk and guests danced to music, with a person sent to a local shop with a suitcase to buy wine, according to The Telegraph, which first reported the allegations.

Meanwhile, further claims emerged on Friday evening of regular "wine time Friday" gatherings in No 10 while coronavirus rules were in place.

The Mirror said the weekly events are a "long-standing Downing Street tradition", including under previous administrations, but that they continued after Covid restrictions were introduced prohibiting indoor mixing between households.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford East MP Imran HussainBradford East MP Imran Hussain

Now Bradford East MP Imran Hussain has slammed Mr Johnson over the continued party row.

Mr Hussain today tweeted: “If anyone was temporarily duped by Johnson's grovelling apology - Tory MPs are telling the media that the PM feels "he hadn't done anything wrong".

“These posh boy Etonians think the rules they make don't apply to them.

“He's taking the public for fools.”

A No 10 spokeswoman said: "There is an ongoing investigation to establish the facts around the nature of gatherings, including attendance, setting and the purpose with reference to adherence to the guidance at the time.

"The findings will be made public in due course."

It comes as reports suggested Mr Johnson was mounting a fight back after a tumultuous week, with The Times and Daily Telegraph both stating that he has been in contact with Lynton Crosby, the political strategist who helped get elected as mayor of London.