WE asked for your photos for our T&A Pet Competition and you didn't disappoint.

Readers have been sending in adorable pet photos, and stories, and we've been running them in the T&A and online in recent weeks.

We're now in the process of choosing a winner, who will receive £50.

Here is the last batch of furry friends:

* TEDDY, above, is a 14-week-old Maltipoo. Owner Frankie Heart says: "We got Teddy to cheer us up after a difficult year in lockdown. He is so fluffy and stops people in their tracks by making them smile when they stop to see him and pat him. He brings joy and happiness and makes us more healthy as a family by getting out in the fresh air for walks. A loveable little chap who brings joy on a rainy day.

* EVIE is an 11-year-old Cocker spaniel. Says owner Shaun Wiltshire: "I purchased Evie from a school friend many years past. She was breeding amazing dogs and starting their lives off excellently.

"Evie is part of the family, she's loved by us all and that's reciprocated. Her nature is so very gentle and she loves meeting new people."

Evie is pictured enjoying the sun.

* GUS is a 14-month-old Labrador. Owner Megan Bailey says: "I have always wanted a dog and my parents wouldn't let me until I got my own home. I had been searching for several months and then I came across a gamekeeper in the Peak District advertising puppies for sale. I viewed the photograph and immediately fell in love with one of the golden labs. Upon the visit, I handled a couple of the puppies and the one that I had seen took to me straight away and fell asleep in my arms, whereas another one I handled didn't want to know and was struggling to get away!

"Gus means the world to me and I can't imagine life without him. I love him so much and it would break my heart if anything happened to him. He has really helped me through the past 12 months both physically and mentally."

Gus is pictured after a trip to the vet after eating too much grass.

* SHIA is a three-year-old short-haired cat. Says owner Sam Macaree: "I adopted Shia and his brother, Siege, from Battersea in 2018 when they were 11-weeks-old. Like typical boys, they played, fought, and passed wind all the time! Shia was quite shy and not a fan of being touched much (unlike his bro), and definitely not a lap cat.

"On Easter Sunday 2021, Siege was killed by a car. As soon as Shia came home that day, he got on my lap and settled. It was exactly what I needed, he just seemed to know. In October 2021, Shia went missing for a week, it was the longest week of my life. We think he got trapped somewhere after having been hit by a car, and somehow dragged himself home when freed, despite having multiple fractures and hip joint luxation. He had an operation to fix his injuries and is still recovering now. I'm so thankful to have him home!"

* PHILLIP is a four-year-old rabbit. Says owner Natalie Parker: "We rescued Phillip from an overcrowded home when he was several months old. A short while afterwards, he was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and went on to be diagnosed with arthritis and a cataract, amongst other health issues.

"Phillip is on daily medication and manages well, living happily with our two other rabbits. He is a cheeky rabbit, always getting himself into mischief. Phillip always manages to cheer us up, whether that's by sneaking into the bathroom and knocking all the toilet rolls over or waiting by the front door for us to return home from work. He is a really special little animal and we would be lost without him."

* LEON was adoped by Anna Bettis when she lived in Lanzarote. Says Anna: “We adopted him three years ago in Lanzarote when his owner sadly died. He has been my best pal ever since.

"We decided to move back home to the UK last year and Leon had to brave a long flight. The day was a drama and the airport on arrival was shut. I’ve never worried so much in my life. When we were able to pick him up he was so happy so see us and so content and amazed to have a life in England.

“It’s much more interesting for him here - there’s more to see and smell than Lanzarote sand. Leon is a very special dog. He has been so brave.”