WHEN Pamela Tullet was diagnosed with breast cancer, she sought comfort in food. Now, having lost almost three stone, she says she has been given a second chance at life.

Pamela, 53, from Bradford said: “It was a shocking diagnosis and after all the treatment and interventions I sought comfort in food, eating lots of bread and butter, deep-fried snacks and sugary treats, which I’d tell myself I deserved. I gained weight quickly but I wanted to get it off to lead a healthy life, to make sure the cancer stayed away for good.”

Pamela says she has now “totally transformed” her lifestyle. “On top of being cancer free, I’m now free of joint pain from the stress and strain the extra weight put on them and I no longer have to ask my son to put my socks on as I couldn’t bend down!” she says.

When Pamela first joined the Crossflatts Slimming world group she was inspired by the weight losses of other members. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to lose half a stone, never mind the four stone weight loss I want to lose - and now I’m nearly there,” she says.

“I set myself mini half stone targets, which really helped me and spurred me on to go on to achieve each of my awards. It’s hard to achieve a goal if you don’t set it out clearly in the first place.”

Adds Pamela: “After my battle with breast cancer I knew it was important to change my lifestyle and I thought if I can do it anyone can. The more weight I lose the better I feel, and this cancer is not coming back!

“I love food and I couldn’t believe the amount I could eat. I realised you don’t need to eat less to lose weight; it’s what you are eating that’s important, not how much. Swapping high calorie, unsatisfying foods for foods that are lower in calories and bulkier, so they fill you up for longer, is the key to losing weight.

“There are so many cancers related to obesity, which I wasn’t’ aware of until I was diagnosed myself. Thanks to Slimming World I am fully committed to making healthier choices.”

Slimming World District Manager Lyn Long says :“Research shows that by basing your diet on low energy dense foods, like fruit and veg, and foods that are most filling - or satiating - like lean meat, fish, eggs, pasta and potatoes, you can actually eat a larger amount of food and feel more satisfied while losing weight.

“Members find that by making simple changes to their shopping and cooking, which we talk about in our group every week, they lose weight without feeling hungry.

"Some quick and easy changes include using less fat when you cook, so you boil or dry fry instead of frying in oil, swapping full fat dairy products for low fat or fat free, ditching sugary drinks in favour of low-calorie drinks and adding more fruit and veg to your daily meals. We’re proud to partner Cancer Research - Slimming World Consultants, members and head office employees have raised more than £17 million to support the charity's life-saving work through their hugely successful fundraising campaigns.”

* Pamela Tullet attends the Crossflatts Slimming World Group at St Aidan's Church, Bingley, which meets on Thursdays at 5pm and 7pm. Contact Rebecca for more details on 07816 404477.