WEST Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin has backed Bradford for the 2025 City of Culture title, as the bookmakers have their say on the competition.

Bradford is one of eight locations to make it to the longlist for the accolade, which also includes Southampton and Cornwall among others.

The longlisted places must submit final bids in January 2022. Up to four places will be shortlisted in March 2022 and the winner will be announced in May 2022.


Ms Brabin said: “I am absolutely delighted that Bradford has progressed in the UK City of Culture 2025 competition.

“We saw fantastic entries from both Bradford and Wakefield; and I am disappointed that both cities were not chosen.

“However, I am looking forward to helping make sure that the whole of West Yorkshire would benefit from Bradford receiving this fantastic accolade.

“Here in West Yorkshire, we have some of the finest creative and cultural people, festivals, and destinations anywhere in the country.


“ I am enormously proud of the rich and diverse culture and talent we have across our region, and I can’t wait for the rest of the country and the world to see everything the city and its people have to offer.

“I wish Bradford the very best of luck and will be supporting their bid every step of the way.”

Meanwhile, William Hill reveal that Bradford is 6/1 favourite, alongside Derby and Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, to take the crown. Southampton, Stirling and Wrexham are the immediate 7/2 co-favourites.


There’s nothing to split the three cities as things stand and it’s a tight market at the other end with the outside spot filled by Cornwall at 8/1, while sandwiched in between you can find County Durham at 5/1 and Bradford at 6/1.


The prize, due to be awarded next year, will place the winning city at the forefront of the UK’s cultural spotlight in 2025.

Rupert Adams, William Hill spokesman, said: “With staycations on the rise and people increasingly looking to holiday within the UK, this is a significant prize to land for any city.

“At this stage it’s hard to split them, but Southampton, Stirling, and Wrexham look the likeliest winners following the long-list announcement.”