Residents in a community near Brighouse are demanding measures be put in place to deter travellers from parking illegally on some areas of land.

Rastrick councillor Coun Sophie Whittaker (Con) said the presence of members of the travelling community had caused issues through the summer.

She presented a 323-signature petition to the full meeting of Calderdale Council and said residents wanted more action taken to secure public spaces in the future.

Coun Whittaker said groups had illegally encamped on private land on Ogden Lane and Sherburn Road on the Field Lane estate and also on public open spaces such as Bramston Street park and Carr Green Playing Fields.

“These different illegal encampments cause disruption to peaceful enjoyment of our parks, intimidate residents with their presence and leave an absolute mess when finally evicted.

“The Rastrick community have always jumped in to help clear the piles of litter, fight fly-tipping and unfortunately human waste that is left behind,” she said.

Coun Whittaker said it cost the taxpayer thousands of pounds to evict illegal encampments every time they appeared.

“We understand the council are confined within the law  to follow a strict eviction process from publically owned land.

“However, we are requesting the council review how our parks and open spaces can be better protected to prevent illegal encampments in the future.

“We’re calling for more secure access points and better monitoring of the parks so that any criminal or anti-social behaviour can  be better evidenced,” she said.

Coun Howard Blagbrough (Con, Brighouse) presented a petition on another issue concerning residents, this time those living around Bradford Road, Brighouse.

He said A641 highway consultation plans indicated that parking on Bradford Road would be taken away, but anyone visiting Brighouse would know off-street parking around the area was already full.

Brighouse Town Board requested the council look at an alternative solution members had drawn up – or provide some alternative parking space, he said.