SIR - The T&A reported on September 20 that another planning application has been submitted to demolish the Holme Wood Social Club and build a new Heron Food Store on the site.

Reference was made to my successful objection to a previous application to use this site for a food store. I do not, however, object to the demolition of the social club, which has seen better days.

Although I retired as a Councillor for Tong Ward last May after 22 years, representing the area where I grew up and lived for 46 years, I remain ambitious for the future sustainable development of Holme Wood. That's why last November Councillors Mukhtar, Wainwright and myself held a meeting with senior officers of the Council and Incommunities to emphasise the need to deliver the Holme Wood and Tong Neighbourhood Development Plan and in particular the provision of a convenience food store on the site of the existing parade of shops at the corner of Holme Wood Road and Broadstone Way.

The social club site is less suitable for a food store operating until late at night as it is next to older people’s bungalows. A better use would be for houses.

Michael Johnson, Retired Tong Ward Councillor, Prince Street, Haworth