BRADFORD Council will mark Bi Day of Visibility today by flying the bi flag at Centenary Square in Bradford city centre.

Buildings across the city centre will also be lit up in the colours of the bi flag, which are pink, purple and blue.

Bi Day of Visibility is an annual event dedicated to recognising and celebrating bisexual people, the bisexual community, and the history of bisexuality worldwide.

As well as raising awareness of the issues faced, the day also aims to bringing an end to bisexual discrimination including bisexual erasure and biphobia.

Bisexual erasure refers to the tendency to ignore, remove or re-explain evidence of bisexuality, whereas biphobia is a more conscious, negative attitude towards bisexuality.

Councillor Richard Dunbar, LGBTQ+ Champion for Bradford Council, said: “Here in Bradford we have a strong track record in being inclusive of all communities that reside here.

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“Bi Visibility Day is an opportunity to celebrate diverse bi identities, raise the voices of bi people and call for positive change.

“Everyone has a part to play on this front - we all need to learn about bi experiences and challenges faced by the community; we need people to call out harmful stereotypes and biphobia and increase the representation of bi people wherever we can.

“Bi visibility day is a timely reminder of the challenges faced by bi people but it is also an opportunity for wider society to stand in solidarity and push for positive meaningful change."

Kersten England, Chief Executive of Bradford Council, said: “Simple acts of raising the bi flag and lighting up our civic buildings show that we support and celebrate the diversity of all people from across the district. We will always stand united in celebrating the diversity and the resilience of our bi community.”