SIR - Your editorial on September 8 rightly calls for strong legal action against the "boy racers" who treat parts of Bradford as their personal racetrack.

However, in your preamble, you redefine speed limits as optional and the majority of drivers who exceed them as blameless. This is disingenuous, at best.

As a police representative so memorably commented, "it's a limit not a target". There is no entitlement to break the speed limit, notwithstanding that the road may be clear, the weather sunny, the attention poor or the driver the editor of the Telegraph & Argus. It's particularly egregious in a city with so many children, so many road accidents, so many respiratory problems and such virulent pollution.

We need to stop playing identity politics with vehicle use; Bradford's issues will not resolve until the professional classes see that their behaviour matters too.

Laura MacDonald, Dallam Avenue, Shipley