FARFIELD primary and nursery school in Bradford created a seaside experience for students, after two years of disruption caused by the pandemic.

A unique feature of the school’s curriculum is that they include visits and experiences into lessons.

The seaside experience consisted of a beach with deck chairs, a helter skelter, ice-creams, donkey rides, zorbing, inflatable boat rides, rock pool experience and fair ground games.

Children spent the first three days of term taking part in the activities and having the most fun-filled start to the new year.

Headteacher, Mrs Convery, said: “We think this is a fantastic way to inspire the children to write.

“Children and parents have been utterly delighted with what we are offering.

“The last two academic years have been a bit grim at times, we wanted to bring the fun back into children's lives and what better way than bringing the seaside to school.

“The children have literally been running, skipping and dancing their way to school each day this week.

“That tells me they are having the best time - what more could we ask for!”

Joey from 4B said: “My first day back to school was unforgettable.

“I got to play in a huge sandpit, and I built a castle with four walls with my friends.

“The fairground games were amazing, I knocked down all the cans.

“It has been an extraordinary start to Year 4!”

Over the next few weeks, the children will be studying two books; 'Flotsam' by David Wiesner and Poems about the seaside chosen by Brian Moses.

Teachers are expecting some amazing work to be written because there’s nothing greater than inspiration.