PROPOSALS to build new food and drink units on the site of the former Grattan catalogue shop could prove to be a “growing threat” to existing shopping areas - planning officers have claimed.

An application to build a coffee shop and dessert cafe on the site of Westfield House on Ingleby Road was submitted to Bradford Council earlier this Summer.

It was part of a wider plan to breathe new life into the empty building, and rebrand it was Westfield Plaza.

Existing retail space in the building would be sub-divided to create smaller shop units.

But the new application now been refused by Bradford Council over concerns that the new food and drink units could draw shoppers away from central shopping areas.

The building is perhaps best known for being home to the Grattan catalogue shop. More recently there has been plans to turn the building into a wedding venue, although these plans were refused by both Bradford Council and a Government planning inspector.

Submitted by a Mr Tayyab, the new application said: “Our proposal is to provide some timber cladding to the exterior and replace the existing windows to uplift the current outlook of the existing building and introduce some additional external deli bar/ cafe style retail units within the boundary of the existing site.”

Appeal over refusal of plans for Ingleby Road site is dismissed

Refusing the plans, Bradford Council planning officers pointed to planning policies set up to protect high streets and retail centres.

They said: “New retail uses are generally directed to the allocated shopping centres, and retail development will only be permitted outside these areas if certain criteria are satisfied. There are allowances for small shop units under 150 Sqm within walking distance of residential properties, provided that the development would not lead to the creation of a shop or group of shops which collectively would have significant implications for the vitality and viability of the network and hierarchy of City, Town, Districts and Local Centres.”

They say while two small units on their own would not be an issue, they would be part of a wider development. They add: “The ground floor of Westfield House is already within a retail use and whilst the addition of the units only results in a small increase in retail floor space, the proposal will contribute to a growing threat that this site has on the vitality and viability of local centres.

“Expanding the retail provision at this site is likely to make the site a destination rather than the nearby local centres, especially given the availability of parking.”

They also raised concerns about the proposed appearance of the new units, saying: “The two retail units are not seen as a positive addition to the site and occupying a prominent position alongside Ingelby Road they will detract from the amenity of the wider locality.

“The two units will be grey insulated clad units with glazed frontages, the lightweight build giving the appearance more in keeping temporary buildings than permanent buildings.”

Last month the Council granted a separate planning application for the building - to turn the first floor into a charity founded community hall. Charity The Faith Cave is now based in that part of the building.