ANGER has been voiced at continued delays to a new £4.6 million car park.

Work on the desperately-needed scheme, at Steeton and Silsden railway station, should have started well over a year ago.

Nothing happened – and then another scheduled start date came and went six months ago.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority said this week the project was "in the final stages of development" and awaiting planning approval for highways works.

But pressure is building on the authority for immediate action over the venture, to construct a three-storey station car park on the site of the existing one – creating an extra 104 spaces.

"There must be no more delays to this project," said Keighley MP, Robbie Moore.

"Bradford Council and the West Yorkshire mayor need to crack on.

"We need a joined-up plan to approve the planning application, come-up with alternative provision for car parking whilst work is ongoing and set a start date.

"This project should have been completed almost a year ago. A new car park at Silsden and Steeton railway station is much needed and must be delivered as soon as possible."

Craven ward district councillor, Rebecca Whitaker, said the project had been "ongoing for years" and its delivery delayed numerous times.

She voices concerns about the impact of displaced vehicles once work does get underway.

"It would have been ideal if the combined authority had been able to crack on with this during lockdown when there would have been least effect on commuters – who were largely working from home," said Cllr Whitaker. "This really was a missed opportunity. Instead, the combined authority spent its time discussing the escalating cost which would not have increased if the scheme had been delivered on time in the first place.

"I was told it would take 16 months to build the new car park. There will only be limited parking available at the station during the construction period, which will displace vehicles elsewhere into Steeton. The village already suffers hugely from parking problems and this will compound the situation. A new parking permit scheme for the village is due to be implemented shortly, which may help some residents and prevent unwanted parking outside their homes – but this will probably mainly assist those living nearer to the hospital, not the railway station."

Cllr Whitaker said that whilst she welcomed the additional spaces the new car park would create, there could still be problems.

"I believe that – even with the increase of just over 100 parking spaces – these will still be taken by about 7.30am as many people use the station from outside the area," she said.

"I have requested that the car park, when complete, should retain a few spaces for rail users other than early-morning commuters – ie spaces which cannot be used until after 9.30am. This is something which works successfully elsewhere in the district and I would like to see it adopted at Steeton and Silsden station too.

"When considering its plans for the new car park the combined authority should also take into account the proposals for the footbridge crossing over the A629, better cycle links to the station and possible parking at the nearby wood yard for those cars affected by the building works. A bit more joined-up thinking is needed, with a collaborative plan to include local knowledge and insight and one which will cause the least disruption for local residents and rail users."

A West Yorkshire Combined Authority spokesperson said: "The project at Steeton and Silsden railway station is in the final stages of development and currently awaiting planning approval for the highways works from Bradford Council. Subject to planning approval being given, which is expected to be in the next few weeks, contractors can start on site."