SIR - I feel compelled to write about, in my opinion, the gradual loss of feeling English in today's England and I have to say this is especially evident in Bradford and surrounding areas.

This was further peaked when I read an article T&A, August 31) about a children's play area named Kashmir Park.

I am sure there is an ample explanation as to why it was not called something more British, a name of an historic resident from the area for example. I have often spoken about St George's Day annually not getting much of a look in but on my visits to the city centre I notice garlands strung across Hall Ings quoting Happy Eid and other religious events in bright colourful lettering illuminated when the time is right. Nowhere have I seen Happy St George's Day up in lights except for the occasional Cross of St George hung from a pole atop City Hall!

I think the idea of Britishness is fast being eroded. I know we can't turn back the clock and return to the days of the Empire but at the end of the day this is England and it should not be forgotten.

Derek Essex, Fairbairn Fold, Laisterdyke