ADDITIONAL funding to enable more children and young people to access short breaks in the Bradford district is set to be approved.

Bradford Council is to look at the future provision for short breaks for children with disabilities and how it can ensure the correct resources are in place to support the important breaks for children.

Bradford Council’s Executive will consider the report on short breaks provision at its meeting on Tuesday September 7.

Short Breaks give disabled children and young people the opportunity for an enjoyable experience with or without their primary carers. Short Breaks also allow parents and families a break from their caring responsibilities.

Short Breaks typically cover a range of services. These are delivered by a range of different organisations and providers from across the voluntary, public and private sector.

Families can access different types of short breaks depending on the needs of their child. These include Universal, Targeted and Specialist Short Breaks for Children and families.

Universal Short Breaks can include, after school activities, leisure centres and youth clubs. These types of provision can be used by anyone and do not require any form of assessment to access them.

Targeted Short Breaks are specific Short Breaks for disabled children and young people who cannot access universal services without additional support. These may be provided in the daytime, evenings, weekends and school holidays. These short breaks are assessed to see whether services can benefit a young person and improve their education, health or care outcomes.

Specialist Short Breaks services are accessed based on a child and family assessment. These are recommended by a social worker to support families who need significantly more support than is available through universal or targeted services. This type of Short Breaks can include daytime or overnight services.

The report recommends that a Short Breaks Assessment Team is created and the Short Breaks Budget is increased from £2.19m to £2.742.

Councillor Imran Khan, Portfolio Holder for Education, Employment and Skills, said: “Short breaks are incredibly important for our children and young people. They give them the chance to meet friends, socialise, have fun, learn new skills, have their independence, enjoy their favourite activities, and sometimes have overnight stays away from their parents or carer. For family and carers they are essential for allowing children to interact with others in a safe and friendly environment and often give the carers a break.

“We are putting additional money into this service to ensure that we can continue to support our children and young people and their family and carers in the future to provide these important breaks.”