An urgent meeting has been called this evening to discuss what Muslim organisations and the Bradford community can do to welcome refugees into the city.


Shadim Hussain, CEO of My Foster Family, and host of the meeting said: "We do a lot of work to assist new arrivals into the city, and I feel there's a strong opportunity for other faith organisations to actively participate in welcoming new arrivals into the UK."

"Given the global context of what's going on around the world, we know that there's going to be an ongoing need for the UK to be a place to be that welcomes asylum seekers and refugees."

"It's important that as communities, we do our part to support those new arrivals."

The event aims to start a dialogue amongst communities and see where people are interested in helping support and what solutions can be put in place.

Shadim added: "As we saw with Covid when different parts of the systems come together, it has a really positive impact on supporting vulnerable people and leading to a positive change."

The meeting will be taking place over Zoom from 5 pm and anyone is welcome to join.

Local community figures such as MP Naz Shah and Zara Mohammad from the Muslim Council of Britain will be in attendance.

To join the meeting register via - Meeting ID - 873 8578 9291