SIR - There is a severe litter problem in Manningham, causing health and safety concerns. Roads and streets are full of rubbish; street bins are full with rubbish spilling out, and not emptied on time - it's smelly and sickening! Some residents speak of litter contributing to mental health problems.

My friend nearly fell when he accidentally stepped on something slippery on the pavement in the dark, and he had to change his walking route. The problem has become so serious that my neighbour goes out regularly with a litter picker to pick rubbish in the Square.

My neighbours are complaining that Bradford Council is neglecting Manningham and not paying enough attention because it's mainly an Asian populated area. People who pay council tax are also asking why is there not enough cleaning in Manningham when there is regular cleaning by Council in the white affluent areas?

Mohammed Siddique, Southfield Square, Manningham