A NEW report by Crest Advisory, commissioned by the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU), has explored the link between education inclusion and serious violence.

The report offers recommendations designed to improve the lives of young people and tackle the root causes of violent crime.

It also assesses the impact on vulnerable learners and the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin, said: “A child excluded from school becomes vulnerable to grooming and exposure to violent crime. Promoting inclusivity is one of my key manifesto pledges, and this report is an important milestone in our efforts to achieve this.

“Intervention is key and the role that education plays in young people’s lives is absolutely critical and cannot be underestimated. We all have a responsibility to work together in ensuring their futures."

Sarah Whitehead, the newly appointed education lead for the VRU, added: “The Violence Reduction Unit is in a unique position to be able to bring together key organisations, placing education inclusion on the agenda at a very strategic level.

“Having previously worked in policing and education locally, I will be using all my experience and knowledge to forge stronger relationships, which ensure we are all operating towards a mutual goal.

“This will include everything from co-ordinating discussions with schools to speaking directly with a family member or pupil when risks of exclusion emerge.

“I will also be liaising closely with colleagues and partners in response to the additional recommendations contained in the Crest report.”

Jessica Lumley, Senior Analyst of Crest Advisory said: “We know that education, attainment and schools themselves play an essential role in the journeys of young people, particularly those already vulnerable to violence and exploitation.

“The Education Inclusion report provides robust evidence on the questions of where, how, and why this relationship between violence and exclusion occurs in West Yorkshire, and what can be done to foster meaningful inclusion for all students.

"Whilst we identified areas of serious concern in West Yorkshire, including potential areas in which vulnerable learners could be falling through the cracks, we also identified numerous examples of innovative approaches and good practice.

“By commissioning this report, the West Yorkshire VRU has signalled not only a dedication to an evidence-led approach to bolstering education inclusion locally, but also their commitment to cascading the learning from pockets of excellence county-wide."