POLICE arrested an unlicenced driver who was on cocaine and had a "tennis ball sized bag" of cannabis on him.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team - the force's dedicated initiative for tackling anti-social and dangerous driving - were out on police bikes last night at 9.53pm.

They spotted a man driving a blue Volkswagen Golf who had no seatbelt on.

He was pulled over, as a result.

The officers conducted a drug test and the driver failed for cocaine.

He also had a "tennis ball sized bag" of cannabis on him.

Police checks found the driver did not have a licence and also had no insurance.

Officers arrested the man and seized the car.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said yesterday: "Earlier we were out on our police bikes when we saw the driver of this Golf not wearing his seatbelt.

"A failed drug wipe for cocaine and a tennis ball sized bag of cannabis later, we discovered that he had no driving license or insurance either.

"Needless to say, he was arrested."