A BUSINESS has applied for retrospective planning approval after installing decking outside the premises without permission.

The shop, at 42-44 Beckside Road in Lidget Green, has installed decking on the five metre wide pavement.

The decking has been met with resistance, with one person calling it "cheap, unprofessional and nasty".

In its retrospective application, the business said: “The joiner who did the work informed my client that planning permission was not required.”

Business owner Mr S Hussain claimed the decking, which has metal railings, “enhances the street scene” and also said he had opened the shop “relatively recently” and wanted to “improve the appearance of the shop front”.

The decking takes up half the pavement on the shop-lined section of Beckside Road, which is often busy with vehicles at all hours, and it is also located next to a pedestrian crossing.

An objection to the plans have been made by local resident Andy Mitchell.

He said: “This is very cheap and unprofessional for a front facing main road.”

He also said it made the street “look nasty” and that there was no disabled access, and also claimed a nearby shop on the same road has copied the shop.

Residents can comment on the plans by visiting the Bradford Council planning website.