TESTING has taken place on Bradford’s Mirror Pool but no date has been confirmed for its official re-opening.

The water feature in the centre of City Park has been shut since the beginning of the pandemic in March last year to prevent crowds gathering.

Bradford Council says it is consulting with public health professionals and government advice before it can confirm when the Mirror Pool will re-open.

A council spokesman said: “The mirror pool is currently undergoing repairs and testing.

“This has been a complex task and Covid-19 has presented technicians with additional challenges and subsequent delays.

“We are consulting public health professionals and looking at government advice and hope to reopen the mirror pool as soon as it is safe to do so.”

Kersten England, the council’s chief executive, yesterday tweeted about the testing of the mirror pool.


She tweeted: “Woohoo the #Bradfordbeach is back in business! With thanks to May McQuade (of Bradford 2025 City of Culture bid) for capturing the moment in her celebration.”

A refurbishment of the facility that has taken place during the pandemic has been held up by problems sourcing parts.

The mirror pool opened in 2012, and has proved to be one of the city's most popular attractions.

It attracts huge crowds on warm days and acting as a centrepiece to events such as Bradford Science Festival.

However the attraction has faced a number of issues in recent years.

In April 2019, there was a major flood in the huge underground plant room that operates the pool's fountains and regulates water levels.

It led to the pool being closed until that August - meaning it was non-operational for some of the warmest days in years.

In February 2020 Bradford Council announced the pool would close for its first major refurbishment since 2012. It would last until April.

But with the arrival of the Covid 19 pandemic, these works were paused, and the pool has yet to re-open.