A PROPOSED new "Lego brick" restaurant has had its updated design plans using shipping containers approved.

Yoh Burger is set to be built on the site of the former Gallopers Pub, off Wakefield Road, and now can do so with its new layout.

It was first approved as part of a wider project including four retail units last year, but the applicant - the Redbeck Group - recently made a change to the design of the "landmark" restaurant on the site.

The most striking adaptation is the materials being used to construct the building and consequently how it looks.

The restaurant will be made up of several shipping containers, instead of its more traditional design previously.

At a Bradford Area Planning Panel Meeting on Wednesday, the updated plans were passed through with two conditions, after planning officers recommended the amendment was approved.

This was despite 27 objections being made, with people stating the building would “stick out like a sore thumb".

One objector said: “It has the appearance of something you can make from Lego with the colour and shape and it looks top heavy. It will be a blot on the landscape.”

But the planning officer presenting the new design said councillors needed to make their decision based on its validity, rather than personal taste.

He said: "Design is subjective. It might not be to everybody's tastes."

The new approved design also has two floors of seating, rather than a single ground floor previously, with room for 104 diners in total.

Residents raised concerns about "overlooking" with the new two-storey layout, but planning officers did not feel this was an issue.

Councillor Sabiya Khan (Lab, Wibsey) and, Chair of the meeting, Councillor Sinead Engel (Lab, Fairweather Green) both wanted assurances that the building would be finished in an appropriate way, including the colour and methods of insulation inside.

One of the added conditions of approval was for the applicant to provide details of the finish.

The other was to reconfirm the four other buildings would still be retail units, due to a change in policy.

The planning officer presenting the application said: "It's reusing shipping containers, they have been reused elsewhere.

"It can be done, it's down to the implementation and maintenance over the long term."

Roger Lee, who represented the applicant at the meeting, said the applicant would have no issue in amending anything to ensure the retail units kept their original purpose.

He also outlined that the applicant has a number of outlets throughout the country and that this type of development had been successfully implemented elsewhere.