BRADFORD has been ranked in the top 10 best UK cities for rent to income difference, according to a study.

Using government data, property inspection software provider InventoryBase found that the average rent in Bradford equated to 23.08 per cent of the average wage.

The average cost of rent in Bradford is £6,000 per year and the average annual pay for residents is £26,000.

This puts Bradford in seventh place in the UK overall.

Aberdeen is top with £6,540 average rent costs, £35,000 average annual salary and 18.69 per cent of the average wage spent on rent.

Hull is second with £4,944, £25,000 and 19.78 respectively. Stoke on Trent is third with £5,400, £25,000 and 21.60 per cent respectively.

This is lower than the UK average of 30.93 per cent, which represents a 1 per cent increase from 2019-2020.