LATEST figures show a reduction in the number of people in hospital with Covid-19. 

The collective figures for hospitals in West Yorkshire and Harrogate are released every Thursday. 

The latest data shows there was a total of 45 patients with Covid-19 receiving care in hospitals, with 10 requiring intensive care.

That's a reduction from 51 the previous week, though the number of patients in intensive care has increased by one.

Patients in Bradford's hospitals account for 15 of those patients - there has been a reduction of one person at Airedale and five at Bradford Teaching Hospitals. 

Here are the figures for the individual hospitals. The figure in brackets shows the previous week's number:

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust -1 (2)

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 14 (19)

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust - 11 (6)

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust - 1 (1) 

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - 10 (13)

 Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - 8 (10)