PROPOSALS to build housing, including a number of bungalows, on a site in Wrose have been submitted to Bradford Council.

The plot of land, off Kings Drive, is currently classed as recreational open space.

But the new application to build 23 dwellings on the site, says the land is overgrown and unusable by the public.

Submitted by Simon Holdsworth, the application is to build 17 three-bed houses and six bungalows on the site.

A similar application for the site was approved after a planning appeal in 2018.

The new application has so far attracted several objections, including one from Wrose Parish Council.

Referring to the current use of the site, the application says: “At present it is zoned with the recreational area but the site is overgrown and not maintained or used as part of this facility.

“Whilst we acknowledge that the site has a recreation allocation, it is not in any way fit-for-purpose or use as a piece of formal or informal recreation use. The site features significant level change in the form of deep depressions and mounds and is completely overgrown with dense gorse and undergrowth making the site completely impassable by users.”

Bradford Council was 'unreasonable' in refusing Wrose housing development, according to government inspector

It goes on to say the site has “become a nuisance” for local residents, and points out that the neighbouring Wrose Recreation Ground provides a large area of open space for the area.

The six bungalows included in the scheme will be affordable housing for over 55s, the application adds.

A designated wetland area will be created at the site - next to a stream on the site.

Numerous objections to the plans have already been sent to Bradford Council.

Wrose Parish Council claimed the new homes would cause traffic issues due to the extra vehicles in the area. They also claimed that the presence of the stream would mean any new homes were at risk of flooding.

And the Parish Council also claimed the development of the site would not comply with policies designed to protect wildlife.

A number of people living in the area have objected over traffic concerns, and claims that the site is home to wildlife such as foxes.

There have also been a number of letters of support for the plans, with one claiming there is an under supply of homes in the area.

A similar application for housing on this plot of land was refused by Bradford Council in 2018, with members of the Regulatory and Appeals Committee arguing the extra homes would lead to an unacceptable increase in traffic on surrounding roads.

Local Councillors spoke at the meeting, saying the area was already earmarked for large housing developments, such as the New Bolton Woods scheme.

However, Mr Holdsworth appealed this decision, and later that year a Government planning inspector overturned the Council’s decision, and granted permission for the development.

The inspector disagreed with planning committee about the traffic, claiming any extra traffic would be “limited.”

One of the conditions was that the development would need to begin within two years of the approval being granted.

A decision on the latest application is expected in July.