BRADFORD College has been awarded a £500 grant from The Royal Institution, which it has used to fund a Crumble coding class.

The funding was given under The Royal Institution's STEM enrichment and enhancement grant scheme, giving learners studying for the OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma in IT an introduction to programming.

Steven Clay, Networking and Systems Support Lecturer, said: “We knew that this STEM-based activity was something the students would enjoy. Dom and Liz Surry, of Skills Supply, delivered the session, and they totally engaged with the activity and gave learners a strong idea of what they will be doing on future units within their course."

The activity also required learners to work collaboratively to succeed. This gave them a taste of how developers work, as well as improving their communication and problem-solving skills.

The Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma in IT course allows students to gain an insight into the development of a range of applications across different platforms and sectors, and provides them with the relevant knowledge, understanding and skills to succeed.