BRADFORD has been ranked as the ninth UK city where people swear the most online, according to a study.

Using the dedicated subreddits for the 20 most populated cities in the UK, Reboot Digital PR analysed the number of swear words used in relation to the total comments to find out which city swears the most online.

The study found Bradfordians use 53 swear words for every 1,000 comments online, for its ninth place on the list.

The city that swears the most online is Glasgow, with an average of 109 swear words for every 1,000 comments.

The second most swear-loving city is Liverpool, averaging significantly less swear words than Glasgow at just over 65 total swears per 1,000 comments. Placing third is Edinburgh, mentioning 58 swear words per 1,000 comments overall. Meanwhile, the city that swears the least online is Sheffield with an average of 35 swears for every 1,000 comments. The second politest city analysed was Nottingham, just above Sheffield with an average of 37 swear words per 100 comments. Ranking as the third least swearing city is Cardiff, mentioning 39 swears for every 1,000 comments.

Fourth is Southampton, averaging 39 swear words per 1,000 comments, and fifth is Birmingham with an average of 40.