PLANNING permission for 49 homes on green belt land in Burley-in-Wharfedale has been refused.

Bradford Council planning officers said the homes would be “inappropriate development” and “would cause substantial harm to the Burley in Wharfedale Conservation Area and the setting of the adjacent Listed Buildings”.

The application, by Jomast Construction from Teesside, working together with Steve Hesmondhalgh & Associates, for 49 homes along with a new church car park and public open space on the Church Field, off Weston View in the village had attracted 181 objections as the site lies at the historic core of Burley’s Conservation Area. Just one representation was made in support of the development.

Burley Parish Council had recommended refusal of the scheme and a member of St Mary’s Parochial Church Council also objected saying that “at no time have we been consulted about the application.”

Outlining the reasons for refusing the development the planning officer’s report says: “The proposed development would constitute inappropriate development and would be harmful, by definition, to the purposes of including the land within the green belt.”

It adds: “The development would cause substantial harm to the Burley in Wharfedale Conservation Area and the setting of the adjacent Listed Buildings. It is unacceptable in principle and is without any appreciable public benefit in heritage terms.”

Furthermore the planning officer said the application as submitted provided insufficient information to enable its proper consideration by the Local Planning Authority.

In particular, there was inadequate and incorrect information with regards to the protection of trees; inadequate information with regards to biodiversity and inadequate information to demonstrate that the layout of new development would provide for and encourage cycling.

The application also failed to provide a safe highway access into the site.