PARENTS of a 13-year-old boy claim he was given a detention after wearing his hair in a bobble.

Lucas Belt, who attends Trinity Academy Bradford, Queensbury, tied the front of his hair up as pictured above.

However, he was told to take it out, but refused and was given a detention, his parents claim.

His mum, Krystle, 35, said: “Since his hair has become long on the fringe, he just ties it up in a bobble, we would get it cut normally but since we are in a pandemic and barbers are not open what can we do?”

But, she said exception was taken to the hairstyle, which she said was described as inappropriate, and her son was forced to take it out.

Lucas’ dad, Joseph, 38, said the school won’t budge on the issue.

He said: “They are judging someone on what they look like.”

“He’s had a bobble in his hair, just to put his hair up, which there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Mr Belt said he was “very, very unhappy” with the way the situation had been handled and said: “They [pupils] are there to learn.”

The school said it does not comment on individual cases, but will continue to work with parents to resolve any issues which may arise.

However, earlier this week, Nick Robinson, Executive Principal for Trinity Academy Bradford, said: “A Trinity MAT school has high standards, consistently upheld by all, and the future of the new Trinity Academy Bradford will be secured by doing the simple things well, by all of the people, all of the time.”

That was after the mother of a 15-year-old girl at the school claimed she was isolated from other students and initially received a detention for not removing two ear studs, which were put in before lockdown and fastened very tight so they would not fall out, with certain tools needed to take them out.

She claimed the school would not meet them halfway over the issue.