BRADFORD Council has written to the Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock to request an urgent review of the Government’s decision to stop providing home testing (PCR) kits to the Bradford district.

After being informed of the decision by the Department of Health and Social Care the Council has had to pause the daily door-to-door testing from Monday that it has been carrying out in the district over the last five months.

The Government’s rationale for halting PCR testing is that residents are now able to visit one of the two rapid testing centres in the district and so home testing is no longer required. The Council is concerned by this development which it believes is the wrong approach.

The Council believes that a range of different testing options are required in the district in order to meet the differing needs and circumstances of its residents. For example, home testing can provide a more convenient alternative for those who may find it challenging to regularly travel to one of the testing sites.

Door-to-door testing also enables the Council to target areas where levels of the virus are persistently high, helping develop an understanding of what is happening in these areas and communities.

“These visits provide an opportunity to ensure everyone has the right information about what to do to reduce the risk of introducing COVID-19 into their homes, including dispelling the myths about vaccinations.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Council leader, Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, has criticised Government's decision to halt door-to-door testing Bradford Council leader, Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, has criticised Government's decision to halt door-to-door testing

Council Leader Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe said: “The Government’s decision has come at a period when Bradford District has climbed to 36th nationally in terms of areas with highest infection rates.

“It’s absolutely the wrong time for the Government to reduce our capacity to test our residents using the methods we know can work.

“The Council has been offering almost 6,000 door-to-door tests a month.

“We believe that this offer is fundamental to our testing strategy and enables a targeted approach that cannot be paralleled by alternatives such as the rapid test centres.

“Home testing in areas of high infection is an important way in which we can monitor the spread of the virus, isolate new infections and use track and trace to identify the people those who have been infected have had close contact with.

“Door-to-door testing has been vital in engaging with residents and communities who have been apprehensive about being tested.

“Through frequent visits and engagement work we have been able to encourage many residents to take a test from home, where they otherwise wouldn’t have had one at all.

“We also use these face-to-face visits as an opportunity to reinforce key messages about COVID, dispel myths and respond to the general concerns of our residents.

“There are also many practical reasons why many of the people we have tested door-to-door cannot visit a rapid test centre regularly.

“While the centres in Keighley and Bradford are important, it’s just not realistic to think that everyone would make the trip.

“We are therefore writing to the Government to request that they urgently reconsider this decision so that we can continue to deliver a flexible testing strategy that meets the needs of everyone in our district.”

All home testing visits have now been paused until further notice. For more information on alternative options for testing in Bradford District, go to

The Telegraph & Argus has today contacted the Department of Health and Social Care for a response.