IT is believed the more transmissible and dominant Kent variant of the coronavirus has made its way to the Bradford district.

Yesterday, it was announced Manchester would increase its testing program after four people from two unconnected households were found to be infected with the E484K mutation, which is linked to the Kent strain.

Door-to-door testing by volunteers began in the city for anyone who cannot get to a site and people who work in the area but do not live there.

Similar surges in testing were also present in Worcestershire, Sefton, Merseyside, and areas in Bristol and south Gloucestershire, after variants were found.

The Kent variant was first detected in Bristol and is the UK variant (B117) with a genetic change also found in both the South African and Brazilian variants, E484K.

Analysis into the variant is ongoing, and researchers are looking at how vaccines might affect the strain.

A Bradford Council spokesman said: "As suspected, Public Health England are not tracking the Kent variant but it is assumed to be in the district.

"Neither the South African nor the Brazilian variants, which are being tracked by Public Health England, have been identified in the district."