PLANS to turn a former banking hall into a retail scheme have been approved by Bradford Council.

770 Manchester Road is a former Lloyds Bank and a first floor apartment, and is currently vacant.

Last year Javaid Bostan submitted a planning application to divide the building to create three shop units - a development that would include an extension to the building and see a completely new frontage installed.

The first floor would be used as storage space for the shops.

Industrial estate plan for former Manchester Road pub site is approved

There is a small car park to the rear of the building, and on street parking spaces - and on street parking spaces in front of it.

Describing the changes to the building, planning officers said: “Overall the proposed changes are considered to be an improvement on the character and appearance of this building and will have a positive impact on the built environment.”

They pointed out that the building is located in the “local centre” of the Marshfields area, and that there would be “excellent” public transport links to the shop development.