A BRADFORD burger joint is taking the UK by storm by opening its fourth location tomorrow and it only sells one main product.

It might look unassuming, but the door in this industrial unit, just off Leeds Road, leads to the best place in the city to buy a burger.

Burgerize is the highest-rated eatery of its type in Bradford, according to Google Reviews, with a score of 4.8 stars from 149 reviews.

But don't expect a menu with a dozen different burgers and endless combinations.

This joint sells one burger and three different sides.

Customers also can only get their hands on a meal by ordering online, parking up and having the food delivered to their car - in a throwback to 1960s America.

Mohammed Hussain, from Huddersfield, who is the co-founder and co-owner of Burgerize, admitted customers are initially "perplexed" by the menu, but they soon understand after trying the food.

He said: "We said, let's focus on what we know, we're so confident with it.

"People tried them and said they'd never tasted a burger like this - the reviews back this up."

"We want to keep everything fresh.

"Our meat is never frozen, it just takes the juiciness out of it.

"On dozens of occasions we've had to close the business for snow, which impacted deliveries, and if anything runs out, there's no back up stock - we don't freeze anything.

"This business is a secondary venture.

"We're not relying on it for income, we did this out of passion.

"We haven't needed to make it a profit driver - for us, we're focused on solely on quality, we never compromise quality."

Mr Hussain is an accountant by trade and set-up Burgersize in Unit 2 of Buck House, off Buck Street, back on January 1, 2020.

He said: "We were ready at the end of December, but thought we'd wait for a fresh year.

"I'm from Huddersfield, but I go to Bradford quite often to eat.

"It's a lot of the same and not anything different.

"I've travelled for work, I'm an accountant by trade, even across the world.

"I've tried lots of places - we tried London once and it was amazing.

"It came to £90 and I thought, why can't I do this up North and I started researching.

"We did it from scratch, we had no experience in food, my partner is an IT guy."

The beginning of the venture was a year in the making and included watching countless videos, trying 20 different meat suppliers and letting the vision consume their lives.

Mr Hussain said: "At the end of January 2019, we set-up in a friend's garage.

"It was none stop, with our heads down, like mad scientists - 'this supply doesn't work, this works'.

"We used to come out smelling of burgers all day, every day.

But their hardwork paid dividends, with the joint proving a roaring success despite no advertising, no marketing and a basic website.

The business partners employ 12 staff in Bradford, six at their Leeds branch which opened in November, six in Oldham which opened four weeks ago and have taken on six more workers ready for the launch of a hub in Bolton tomorrow.

There is more to come as well, according to Mr Hussain.

He said: "There's a few things in the pipeline - we've not set dates for opening.

"The reason behind the expansion is we had customers coming from all over.

"They came from as far as Birmingham, Manchester and then loads from Leeds, Batley, Dewsbury.

"We decided to open in hotspots."