BRADFORD is the second UK city where people are most addicted to social media, according to a survey. conducted a study looking into how many hours a week on average the UK spends on social media.

To do so 5,435 participants were asked to record their weekly screen time for the most popular social media platforms over a six month period, exposing the UK city most addicted to social media, and from this the most addictive site.

Bradfordians spend an average of 16 hours and five minutes on social media per week, the survey says.

YouTube is the most popular social media platform among people from the city, with participants admitting to spending an average of 16 hours and 30 minutes a week watching videos. found Brits spend an average of 11 hours four minutes on social media per week.

Manchester stands as the city most addicted to social media, with locals spending an average of 16 hours and 13 minutes a week scrolling through popular social sites.

The most popular platform in this region is Facebook, with participants logging on for an average of 16 hours 35 minutes a week.