RETROSPECTIVE plans to use a plot of land for car storage have been refused.

The prominent site at the junction of Cutler Heights Lane and Fenby Avenue was, until recently, a grassed area, but is now used to store cars.

The site has been covered in hardstanding as part of the works, a portable cabin and storage containers are on the site, and a fence has been fitted around the plot.

Not planning permission has ever been granted for the site, and in November a retrospective planning application for the scheme was submitted by Khan.

But those plans have now been refused by Bradford Council, with planning officers describing the fencing and storage containers as appearing "out of place."

Officers said; "The fencing surrounding the site is not informed by a good understanding of the area.

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"Built right up to the pavement edge and at two metres in height and in parts taller,the fencing appears out of place when read in context with the residential boundary treatments either side.

"The portable cabin along with the two storage containers are not of good design or informed in anyway by the sites context."

Raising concerns over the fact that a once grassed site is now covered in asphalt, officers added: "Given the significant area of hard surfacing, approximately 1,250 metres, this has the potential to lead to significant volumes of water entering the highway, which would pose a risk to highway users.

"Bradford is already prone to flooding caused by direct rainfall. This development has failed to take opportunities to provide appropriate landscaping that could have minimised the environmental impacts of this development."