THERE are currently 866 patients who have tested positive for Covid-19 in hospitals across the West Yorkshire and Harrogate area. 

A total of eighty seven people currently require intensive care.

Hospital trusts in West Yorkshire and Harrogate collectively release the information at 2pm on a Thursday every week, to provide an overview of the current position within the regional and local NHS. 

The latest figures show a reduction in numbers on last week at both Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Airedale had seen its numbers of Covid-19 patients triple in just two weeks from 31 patients on January 7 to 93 last week, though this now appears to be falling. 

The figure today stands at 84.

There are four fewer patients at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, from 125 last Thursday to 121 today. 

However, the figures are still significantly higher than just before Christmas. On December 24, 27 Covid-19 patients were being treated at Airedale and 94 at Bradford Teaching Hospitals. 

That figure was 68 at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust; 14 at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust; 135 at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and 149 at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust.

Here are the latest figures for all hospitals in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. The number as of January 21 is shown in brackets.

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust - 84 (93)

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 121 (125)

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust - 143 (150)

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust - 55 (41)

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - 231 (259)

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - 232 (228)