The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is calling on people over the age of 18 to join its first ever Community Advisory Group.

Members will be asked to use their own local knowledge to discuss challenges or concerns surrounding serious violence and how they can potentially be addressed.

West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit Director, Chief Superintendent Jackie Marsh said: “The group will be owned and chaired by its members, providing a genuine voice for the community, whilst delivering tangible outcomes. The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is now into its second year, and even within this relatively short timeframe, its unique public health-led approach has already begun to help turn the tide on violent crime and its drivers."

Applicants must live within West Yorkshire. The deadline for submissions is midnight, Sunday, February 7, 2021. Contact quoting ‘Community Advisory Group’ in the subject.

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The Chief Superintendent continued: "It starts from the principle that prevention is better than the cure and brings together specialists from health, police, local authorities, education, youth justice, prisons, probation, community organisations and others.

“This means looking at early intervention, prevention, education and partnership working to tackle the root underlying causes of violent crime.

“Members of the Community Advisory Group must be open to learning about this work and willing to contribute to discussions on both a local and regional level.

“Likewise, you must play a role in sharing community safety messages, committing at least two hours every two months to the group, which can be undertaken in a virtual capacity.

“Serious violence is an incredibly important subject that remains high on the agenda nationwide and we cannot sit back and hope it goes away.

“Being part of our partnership effort to prevent and reduce its prevalence can be extremely rewarding, particularly when it ultimately protects those around us who we know and love.

“If we can all stand together in response to the issues we face in West Yorkshire, then we will have a better chance of bringing about positive and lasting change.”