A GOVERNMENT planning inspector has dismissed an appeal that would have allowed a rural barn to be converted into a house.

Last year Bradford Council was informed that a Mr R Hall planned to convert a large barn at Bloody Row, off Green Lane, Queensbury, into a three bed house.

It was a permitted development application rather than a full planning application - with the applicant arguing that the conversion would not involve any major construction work.

However, planning officers argued that converting the barn, at the rear of the site, into a house would require "substantial reconstruction" and refused the permitted development request.

They added: "The proposal fails to satisfactorily establish that the building would not require substantial reconstruction such that the proposal would not be tantamount to construction of a new dwelling rather than the change of use of an agricultural building."

The decision went to appeal, and a Government inspector has now backed up Bradford Council's decision.

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Inspector Dianne Cragg said: "The Planning Practice Guidance explains that it is not the intention of the permitted development right to allow rebuilding work which would go beyond what is reasonably necessary for the conversion of the building to residential use. "Therefore, it is only where the existing building is already suitable for conversion to residential use that the building would be considered to have the permitted development right.

"The Council considers that the agricultural building would not be structurally strong enough to take the loading required to support the proposed external works.

"The appellant asserts that the development does not include any building operations other than part demolition and the installing of windows, doors, exterior walls and roofs, and utilities.

"Based on the evidence submitted and my own observations on site, the building appears to require significant works in order to facilitate its conversion to a dwelling.

"I consider that the proposed works to the building to accommodate a dwelling would be cumulatively so extensive that they would be more akin to a rebuild than a conversion of the existing building."